Score 000

Traditional illustration. Pencil, ballpoint pen and fine-tipped marker

 Surreal illustration with message and a lot of details, inspired by M.C. Escher artworks. The cubic souls of millions of humanoids are been used to build up giant animal tribute sculptures, after the species extinction. It was drawn a few years before the pandemic and all the really worrying climate change alarms, but here you can see a dry barren land and many people waiting to be attended by a doctor. Only two social classes: The workers and the deadbodies (marked with a X), who are catapulted to the sun, the beyond. They can’t reach it and hitting the bull’s eye is not that easy… They have never done it so the score is 000. The original illustration was made on a piece of paper not bigger that a DIN A4, so with this piece I approached the medieval miniaturist tradition. I will never know how this illustration came to my mind! 🙂